Saturday, May 7, 2011

THE DASH - What Matters Most

My dear friends,
Do you have three (3) minutes?  I am hoping you will make time.
I have chanced upon this Story a few years back, but I received the same message again on email.  I thought it is rather fitting to share this with you and for all the other Mothers who will get a chance to read my Blog.  As a dedication to My Mom and all the other Mommas of the world.
The video is called the DASH.  The symbol that comes between a person's Date of Birth and the person's Final Day in this lifetime.
Please watch.  And if you are watching it for the first time, I know the simplicity of the message is going to touch you.


  1. This was very moving and powerful! Thank-you for sharing, I in turn have shared.

  2. I know that I am no mother, nor even female, but I just couldn't help commenting on this beautiful post. So much that we do or say just seems to get lost, inside that little dash that represents our life. I know that your dash shall be a long and fruitful one. Thank you, Psycho.

  3. it made me cry, i miss my mom :(

    but thanks for posting this it is a beautiful vid and tribute for mothers everywhere

  4. Amen!

    Have a great day (and a long dash) :)

  5. I never tire of reading that. Thanx!

  6. Powerful! Inspiring!
    I could read it again and again till I find what's between the DASH, true life or fake one, till I realise the time to change things is right now.
    May our years between the 2 dates that will define us one day or another be prosperous and full of shared joy and love.

    Thank you Psycho for always reminding us these simple things we tend to forget and the beauty of the days ahead of us. Stay well.

  7. ~~Lovely. Powerful. Moving.
    When All is stripped down, the only thing that truly matters is God, Family, & Love. Love. Love. Love.
    xxx Kisses From MN.

  8. Very moving. Appropriate for me this morning.

  9. This is one of my favorites! I had completely forgotten about it. Thanks for sharing/reminding! :-)

  10. I am so glad you enjoyed The DASH my friends.
    Don't forget your insights. At the end of the day, it's that small dash that really matters. ♥

  11. SO simple, yet so very very true.


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